Yes, truck shocks wear out over time- no matter how it hurts, you can’t deny it. For every 50-000 to 100,000 miles, your shocks will wear out. So, how are you planning to add the new ones? You can get a professional or you can learn how to install rear shock on f150 at home! We’ll tell you how!
Step by Step Guide on Installing Rear Shock on f150
You can easily replace them via a professional. But if you want to do it yourself, it’s easy too! These steps will be your savior!

Step 1: Prepare the Gears
The moment you know that you have to install new rear shocks; you have to gather the required gears for it. For this process, you will require wrenches. First, an 18 mm wrench is needed along with a torque wrench.
Once you get it, get your hands on a 15 mm socket. After this, jack stands are required here. A floor or bottle jack is imperative if you want to install rear shock on f150 changing the previous ones. And finally, you will be needed penetrating oil for the procedure.
But hey, have you forgotten the new rear shocks? They will cost you from $60 to $300 depending on the type and brand.
Step 2: Take off the Rear Tire
Let’s get on to work then? The first thing after the gears are ready is to take off the rear tire. Keep the truck on the ground and go through the lug nuts. You have to loosen them first. Then, you have to move the truck’s position.
Go through the rear of the truck and lift it. For this, use a floor jack. Or else, you can also rely on bottle jack too. While doing this, be very careful. Slowly, check the truck frame and lower it. Lowering it onto the jack stands, you have to take off the lug nuts.
Also, you need to remove the wheel. We are telling you to take off the rear wire because this will provide you enough space so that you can work comfortably.
Step 3: Jack up the Rear
Now that you are done with the previous process, you have to jack up the rear part of your truck! The foremost thing for this step is to ensure the position of the truck. It should be parked on a leveled surface.
Once you have placed it on a leveled surface, you have to block the front wheels so that the truck doesn’t move at all. For jacking up the rear part of your truck, you will need a floor jack. Place this equipment under the rear axle.
And then, get your hands on the jack axles. Position them under the axle. Keep in mind that this is high. And so, it’s capable of carrying the pressure and the shock absorber won’t be bothered! So, you have already secured the rear of your truck! It’s easy for you to take off the wheels now!
Step 4: Take off the Old Shock
Once you are done with the wheels and rear of the truck, prepare for the old shocks. It’s time to remove the old ones and get the new ones there. Go through the bolts for this process. You have to take off the upper shock retaining bolts along with the lower ones.
You have to get a socket wrench for unscrewing the bolt. And for holing the nut, you have to get a wrench in that place! Remember we told you to get penetrating oil? This is when it will come to work! Removing or loosening these bolts requires a lot of effort.
And if you use penetrating oil on them, it will be effortless for you to loosen the bolts. The reason behind this is they are usually rusted tight. Go through the top bolt first and loosen it. Then get your hands on the bottom one and do the same.
Step 5: Add the New Shock
Now it’s time to install the new rear shocks on your f150. No worries, all you need to do is reverse the process we have mentioned above! Go through the upper shock bolts first and then go for the washers.
In this case, keep in mind that you can’t cut the retaining strap at first. For this, first, you have to bolt in both of the ends. In this way, it will release you from the complication of fully extending. For installing the bottom of the shock, compression of the shock is required.
Get your hands and line it up with the shock bolt. For torqueing the bolts to spec, you might require a torque wrench that you kept aside.
When you see that both the nuts on the top and bottom are placed and tightened, you are free to get the tire in its place once again. And then, take the truck lower and place it on the ground. Test the truck and if it feels fine, you are done!
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Wrap Up
If you are ready to do it alone, who is stopping you? It isn’t that tough to install rear shocks. All you need is to gather the gears and keep your patience. And if you mess it up, you always have the number of a professional; he will help you out anyway. But it is worth a try!